I bought 2 of these plants at Christmas to put on my "plant window" in my kitchen. Well they are quickly out growing the shelf space! Id love to know what they are! They seem pretty easy going...
draceana...might have spelled that wrong... not sure which variety...could be janet craig or could be marginata.
Thanks everyone! So will it eventually have a "trunk"?? Thats what the photos I see have. With this plant, all the leaves are coming directly out of the soil.
Jenny, Yes, it will eventually grow a long trunk. http://www.westcoastnurseries.com/images/wcn_d_k/dwarn7ss.jpg
yes, it will develop a trunk over time. propogating is done by lopping the top off and planting it. the main trunk then ends up sprouting new growth. i can't say how long it will take to get the trunk going. i've have the janet craig (compacta) for about a year and it's just now starting to look a little 'thinned' out and losing the bottom leaves...so, i'm thinking it will have a visible trunk of about two inches by the end of the summer. .
Plants are such neat things! lol! Its amazing how much I am learning on this forum. I have a big plant collection, most are thriving yet I dont know tones about names and types. This is fun!