OK i got another plnat for ten cents and it says fish hooks on it but that is some sort of cacti and my plant looks almost just like string of bananas but actually looks like fish hooks are hanging from the plant..? so doesnanyone know the botanical or common name of it becuase when i looked up fish hooks it showed me some sort of cacti. thanx.... ---Codyb
cody, we'll need a pic of this to be able to tell what it is. the only thing i've ever heard referred to as 'fishhook' IS a cactus...there are some succulents that have the growth form you describe though. so post a pic when you can :)
I have found the name "fishhooks" used for string of bananas (senecio radicans). Agree we need a pic to id.
lol, micheal!! i deserved that...shoulda clarified myself better! as is said so often, relying on common names for plants can be confusing - especially since what is the common name in one area for one plant may be the name used in another area for an entirely different plant! although i've seen 'string of banana', i've not heard it referred to as 'fishhooks'. even without seeing a pic, i get the corrolation of the shape.
Joclyn, goggle "fishhook plant" and you'll get almost as many senecio as cactus hits. It's a case of "you say tomato, I say tomahto"...some see bananas, some see fishhooks!
Common names can be so droll. Makes me think of the "Banana vine" form of Senecio radicans, not a cactus.
Yep, its the "Banana vine" form of Senecio radicans. The typical form of Senecio radicans has leaves shaped rather like lemons but the species varies widely in leaf shape.