succulent id.... maybe time to repot?

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by bcsister, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. bcsister

    bcsister Active Member

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    surrey, bc, canada
    this one is growing like a weed, but not knowing what it is, i'm not sure if i should repot it.
    it has grown roughly 4 inches taller in the last 6 weeks.

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  2. JenRi

    JenRi Active Member

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    Nottingham,England zone 8/9
    It looks to me like some sort of Aloe and I think a lot of them (but probably not all, there's bound to be some exceptions!) grow rosettes on very short stalks on the ground and that poor fella looks like he's either lacking in light or running out of room to grow.

    The best way to check for pot-boundness is to just take it out of the pot and see what shape the roots are in, if they're circling around the root ball it will definitely need repotting. The other thing that occured to me is that as it hasn't been pupping like crazy, which is what some aloes do when potbound, that it might be one of the solitary ones that doesn't produce offsets.

    Thats probably not a great deal of help but I'm sure someone else will be able to identify it for you more accurately.

    Also I just wondered, is the second plant from the left in the background Aloe Aristata? I have one of those and its one of my favourite plants - I've just repotted it and removed 6 babies from it, 4 already with roots:D.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2009
  3. Rosemarie

    Rosemarie Active Member

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    Most SW California, USA
    Looks like Aloe ciliaris to me. :)
  4. Rosemarie

    Rosemarie Active Member

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    Most SW California, USA
    Back again...I was in a rush this morning when I posted. Aloe ciliaris aka Climbing Aloe...will need something to lean on before long (if you're going to keep it in the house. I'd say it's a good idea to pot up & also maybe put a long stick in with it for support.
    (I know someone who calls it Silly Heiress -which sounds like its species name. :D )
  5. JenRi

    JenRi Active Member

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    Nottingham,England zone 8/9
    Ooooh I see, so it is supposed to grow like that? Brilliant, learn something new every day!
  6. bcsister

    bcsister Active Member

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    surrey, bc, canada
    yep, "Aloe ciliaris aka Climbing Aloe" is exactly what she looks like! put a stick in it, I'd say! Look at a pic of it I found on flicker, she's 9 feet tall, lol!
    thank you for the Id, now I can prepare the growing space!
    JenRi, I'm not sure what that one is, either. I was told it is some haworthia, but i'm not sure if it is a full sun, or part shade grower yet.
    should the tips turn red and hard in the sun?

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