1 - Caralluma?? 5 - Echinocereus pentalophus? 7 - Senecio pendulus 8 - Piaranthus?? 9 - Adenia globosa?? 10 - Euphorbia cap-saintemariensis?? 11 - Calandrinia sp.?
Have you removed pix or changed the order? I only ask because Tony is good at this & his numbers & IDs don't match up to what I see. Well, here goes... 1. Piaranthus maybe 2, 3, 4 Agave (I don't think that #2 is parryi though) Perhaps #4 is A. difformis. 7. Senecio pendulus 8. Lophophora maybe 9. Caralluma ? 10. If not Euphorbia cap-saintemariensis, then perhaps Euphorbia decaryi v. spirosticha 11. Lenophyllum ? Lots of neat plants!
Sorry I don't know what any of them are, but one word of warning - I discovered on another similar thread http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=22621 with several pictures, that the pictures don't always show up in the same order, with different browsers arranging the pics differently. Might be best to find some other way of indicating which pic is being identified, than just its sequence by number. Or maybe start a new thread for each plant for identification.
Rosemarie, I think you are right about E. decaryi. In fact I was racking my brain trying to come up with that name and the nearest match I could find in one book was E. cap-saintemariensis. The strange thing is I have had a fine plant of E. decaryi myself for years -- here is a picture of it (below). These leafy Madagascan species seem very tolerant of overwatering, I find. And I suspect you are right about the Lenophyllum (which is a new one to me). A clser look shows it has opposite leaves, unlike Calandrinia or other Portulacaceae. As for the one you think is Lophophora and I thought Piaranthus, I wonder? I did not think Lophophoras could produce offsets from near the top up the stem like that. And some shoots seem to be a little too elongated. Concerning what Michael says about picture numbering, I think it only matters where there are closely similar plants, like those Agaves. With a bit of googling, val_dar35 should readily be able to sort out what name belongs to what pic.