Hello! I have a coupple of questions that i´m unable to find answers for and hoping your expertise could help me whith them. what kind of substrate is best if you want to plant acer seeds? When you repot, what kind of substrate do you use in the pots? Do the new pot soil differ from the seed substrate? When do you repot? how big should the plants be before fertalizing? How does the professionals do it(Plant nurserys) or perhaps the real experts are private... I´m thinking of using pine bark, catsand and plantsoil 1 third each. will it work?
hi zonebreaker!!for seed mix sand and common soil of the garden.. for re-pot the best month is October but is good February too i use one mix with common soil pine bark (small size) and a little sand,but no cat sand! fertilize after one year ciao
Thanks for the answer Alex66 Can yo be more specific about "common garden soil" i think that garden soil can differ quite o lot. My fault ,that i didnt describe my garden soil which is heavy and dense.
If you intend on planting the maple in the ground in the near future the tree will appreciate being seeded in some of its future soil (I think is what was intended). If you intend on keeping them potted for several years, however, I would use a lighter mixture that will drain better. You will have to adjust your watering regiments accordingly, because coarse mixes will need daily watering during the summer but heavy ones may only need watering every 3 days or so (at least for my climate). I personally use a mixture of about 65 percent bark (triple ground and composted), 20 percent perlite, and 15 percent peat for my seeding (rough approximations here). I like the high perlite content because it allows the seedlings to dry slightly by each evening so there is less chance of fungus growth during the night. With this I water every morning and in a relatively shady area where the summer heat will not dry them too fast. I guess what I'm saying is that almost any potting mix/soil will do if the moisture balance is correct. After repotting I lower the perlite percentage and use some sand.
Thank you for a very intresting answer mattlwfowler,I`m beginning to se a pattern. I´m still very qurius what other people use. So keep putting your soil mixes here folks. Regards Zonebreaker