I'd like to ask for the identification of the Styrax species from the photo attached to this post. This is allegedly Styrax obassia (thus claimed by the nursery which is offering it for sale), but somehow I doubt it. As far as I know, members of the Styracae family tend to be variable, but this one is nowhere close to resemble Styrax obassia specimens that I've seen. It's a 6 years old seedling, and the owner of the nursery told me that the seed came from a reliable source. Please help.
Styrax wilsonii also has this kind of leaf, but unlike Japanese snowdrop is often a small dense bush in gardens. Maybe that is why yours is growing as a twiggy bush (so far). Or, it is a Japanese snowdrop that is a bushy variant--or one that is going to pick up steam and form the normal habit later--although to remain as a tuffet for 6 years...