Is it normal for the bark of a Japanese Snowbell tree to peel at this time of year? I do not remember peeling of this magnitude previously, and we've lived with this tree for 31 years! I wonder if the tree is under stress or has something else wrong with it. It was pruned last autumn, if that is relevant.
I have a photo of the tree. I can post other pictures as well if you can't see the bark clearly enough on this one.
Here are two other photos. (I had to reduce the size of all of them in order to attach them. ) I think you can see more detail when you click on the photos to enlarge them.
Eleanor--this is one big old styrax...I've seen nothing like it around here for size/age. Does anyone think it's actually getting toward the end of it's lifespan and falling prey to fungi/bacteria that a younger tree would be able to fight off? The other question is, on the right hand photo, there are 3 branches arising from the trunk, I wonder what is on the back side of the trunk it hollow or a large pruning scar from taking out another major branch, possibly bad stuff going on in there...or does it look real good. Just trying to imagine what that part of the trunk looks like that the photo doesn't show...facing the house. Glen
I think the tree is about 50 years old. Maybe. We've been in the house for 32 years and it was much smaller when we moved in. The picture to the left of the one you are talking about is the view from the other side of the tree.