If you'd like to see another 30 or so photos of Melliodendron xylocarpum, just ask. I am so in love with these trees and their delicate flowers are still looking so beautiful. Halesia tetraptera var. monticola 'Arnold Pink' is open now in the Carolinian garden. It also has a warm pinkish colour to its flowers. I have to keep practicing pronouncing this HAIL-zee-uh instead of ha-LEE-see-uh, since I said it the wrong way for so long. How about 30 photos of Rehderodendron? This is the one that's not been identified to the species, the first one I ever posted. Nadia's photo of this last year was from May 31. I find the almost white sepals a nice touch.
Back when Piroche was in business it was possible to encounter Melliodendron at larger independent garden centers here. However, when not in flower it is a rather plain little stick of a tree - at least when young. One store's unsold stock ended up being donated to a Plant Amnesty rummage sale. As for pronunciation of botanical names, don't let anyone tell you yours is "wrong" - there are no universally accepted rules or customs in this matter (see discussion in Stearn, Botanical Latin - the principal print reference on this subject, where he says if the other party knows what you are talking about that is probably good enough). Non-botanical, non-English plant name pronunciations approximating those of the home country I do share a preference for but I do not, of course know (or am able to replicate) all of them - and certainly do not insist that others adopt them.
I purchased a Melliodendron from the Shop in the Garden here earlier this year. There are still 3 in the shop (just walked over and checked.) All of the Melliodendron in the Garden came to us from Piroche as plants, but they are all different. The plants that are offered in the Shop are from Piroche, they are grafted and have a photo of a very pink flower on the label--looks rather like the large pink flowered tree in Wendy's photo.
Yes, I thought UBC might sometimes sell it. Possibly bigger, older plants are still present someplace that was listing it in The Plant Locator - Western Region (2004, Black-Eyed Susans/Timber, Portland).
For those occupying the south interior of BC (or northern interior WA, perhaps), Melliodendron can also be seen at the Summerland Ornamental Garden (Piroche gave them some plants as well, presumably to trial in a different climate). I don't think those plants have bloomed yet, though.