stunted clematis

Discussion in 'Vines and Climbers' started by enthalpy, May 24, 2007.

  1. enthalpy

    enthalpy Member

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    S.E. Mich, USA
    Bought a clematis for a perennial garden 3 years ago. It was about 16 inches tall when purchased in a 5-6 inch pot. I've long ago lost the tag, but it blooms early (is in bloom now), here in lower Michigan. It's healthy, best I can tell; plenty of foliage and multiple 4 inch purple blooms (currently 10-12, with a few yet to open). Problem is that it doesn't seem to add any height. In three years, the tallest vine is now only up to about 22 inches. It's seems to get wider, just not taller. No pruning has been done. The garden gets watered regularly. About once a month it gets a solution of miracle gro. It gets full afternoon sun, but no morning sun as it's on the front side of the house. Soil is about 10 inches of top soil on top of clay. I installed a 10 foot tall trellis for it on a pole on the porch. That trellis is begining to look pretty silly, nude as it is. Should I give up on this plant and try another clematis - or another species? Or are they just "slow starters?"
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Clematis X durandii?
  3. enthalpy

    enthalpy Member

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    S.E. Mich, USA
    Sorry, Ron, I really can't say with absolute certainty. A quick Google search for images shows it to be most probably Jackmanii. Too bad, for it seems that the Durandii aren't climbers. Bravo on a great guess!

    Looks very much like the attached photo.

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