I'm sure this is a weed. I have seen this before but have not heard of what it is called. It was found growing in last years gardening spot (plowed ground). There were only about three separate plants about 6 feet away from each other. The yellow flower is the same unopened pinkish flower. These three are the same plant. These were found growing along the roadside next to Cheoah Dam in North Carolina. I think this one is a Foxglove of sorts? Any help would be great.
#5 looks like a wild Rose of some sort. Most likely Rosa arkansana, but there are a large number of different species. #6 is indeed a Digitalis of some sort.
Hmmm, I don't think that is it. The leaves do not match up with an Oenothera. The leaves on this plant/weed are not smooth like the Oenothera. You can see a piece of the leaf in the second picture.
That's exactly what I thought it was too. The leaves matched for what I can remember. Thank you ALL for your replies and help! I know I didn't give you too much to go on but what I've got is all I had. These photos were taken by my 12 yr old daughter during a recent trip over the mountain. She has many more photos if you would like to view them, www.katiespix.com. Like I said before, Thank you ALL very much for your help!