I have just received some fresh grapevine cuttings from an associate, I would like to ensure their success in striking roots. I believe that hormone powder or honey can be used to encourage root propagation, can you pls verify. I am from Australia, where it is currently easying into our winter, east coast, Sydney, 18 deg celsius days on average. Can you pls advise wrt where the cuttings need to be trimmed & whether the root propagation end needs to be cut square to the axis or on a bias. Your site struck me first, & had credibility, therefore here I am with my enquiry. Best regards.
Read thru this site: http://www.bunchgrapes.com/cuttings.html If there is no danger of frost, you should be able to go ahead now. Rooting powders, gel, liquids are not generally used or required; honey is a new one for me. Bottom heat is a big help; I run the bottom of the rooting box at 27 - 30 degrees C. Keep the tops cool if you can. Remove the buds that will be below ground level ("dis-budding") but the square/angled cuts are for orienting the cutting right end up when putting it in the soil mix. There are differences in ease between the varieties; while I can consistently average over 90% some varieties are more like 20%. Ralph
Hi Ralph, Many thnx yr prompt reply. As I understand it, the mild antibiotic qualities of honey can assist in root propagation, since the vine/plant has less of a problem with bacteriological aatack. Best regards.