Hello, I bought Streps, Violets and Kohlerias on the eBay and I'm waiting for them to be shipped to my house. A few days ago I have treated all my plants with Schultz Spray, because of trips invasion. The streps are all starters and my friend suggested to spray them also as a preventive measure. He had a very bad experience with streps that he bought last summer on the eBay and since then he spraying all plants that he buy. His plants were destroyed by trips in a few days and it was too late to use insecticide at the point when he found out that his plants are dying. This will be my first streps and I really don't want to spray and make them suffer just as a preventive measure. I hope that washing with soap and repotting will be enough. Please, share your experience. Thanks
I usually spray all of my new plants, including Streps, with Neem Oil and have never had a problem. My recipe is : 1 cup warm water+ 2 ml Neem oil + a few drops of dish soap and shake well. Spray all parts of the plant and shake frequently during use. You may want to repeat this treatment one week later.