..and does anyone know where I can get cuttings so I don't have to mess w/ seeds and germinating... :(
Hi H2O, Strawberries are either long-day or day-neutral, so 18/6 should get you fruit. Strawberries are rarely grown from seed. They reproduce vegetatively from stolons. You should have no trouble finding plants to purchase.
There are basic types of strawberry -- spring-bearing and ever-bearing (also called fall-bearing). As the name implies, one bears fruit in the spring and one basically continuously (with a larger fall crop). So if you are growing under lights for a continuous supply, you might consider an ever bearing type although there are certainly desirable qualities to the spring bearing. Keep in mind that strawberries in cultivation are hybrids, and so as with all hybrids, they will not bear true from seed (expect most if not all to be inferior to the parent). Growing from seed can be, well, we'll call it fun, but on the other hand, a bundle of 25 bare rooted plants ready to bear fruit can be had for about $5 ... I'm saying everything Eric is just in a diferent way
Thanks. I appreciate the info fellas... I found a spot to order em... I got 50 rooted starters on the way... :D I can't wait to get it set up in my new dripper setup I'm trial running... There's a 1/2 hose running along the other side strapped down w/ clear zip ties thingies... I've still got to get the drippers, and stakes... Got 50 coming, so I might aswell get another column and setup up another row of em! 1/4 little hoses will bring the water to the containers from the 1/2 hose... :) I'm sure you all get the picture.... StrawBerries are infamous in my area this time of year... I guess the weather and lighting is purrfect! ...wish me luck!
BTW: those are yellow watermelon seedlings in there right now... hand watering until I get a power line run out there for my pumps and bubbler for the rez... :)
Re: StrawBerries : First Day in the System. It's gonna be a chilly 37F down here in SW Florida! Record low for the year expected tonight. (my area anyways...) It just happen by chance that UPS stopped by the house today, about 15min after I walked in the door from work... (perfect timing!) My 50 rooted Ozark Beauty Strawberry plants have arrived! It's that time of year down here folks! mmmmmmmm StrawBerryShortcake! hahah... Stay Tuned!