Hi I have strawberries in a raised bed and Im wondering if Straw will help keep the strawberries off the ground or should I use wood chips? thanks!
Use straw Sphiro, like with all flowers/fruit loving Insects take care especially where slugs and snails are.. What we used to do when we had an allotment was when fruiting was done for the season we used to set fire to the staw. Don't forget to get new plants from the runners by pegging them down then remove when rooted.
Aisya What do you mean pegging them down? also I dont think my community garden will like it if I set my straw on fire .... lol
Umm, You can buy pegging down pegs, Something like these http://www.harrodhorticultural.com/steel-ground-pegs-10-pack-pid7569.html?Aff=GPL&gclid=CKu8te6I970CFe6WtAodmFYA-A A site on Strawberry growing. http://chat.allotment-garden.org/index.php?topic=20759.0 lol at the fire, its supposed to burn anything in the straw and soil we don't want.
I would go with wood chips; tends to enhance the soil acidity which strawberries prefer, and (at least around here) straw tends to provide a good habitat for voles and/or mice...though that potential will differ from site to site.