We have a vine in the TOP of a cedar tree. The vine is close to an inch wide, the leaves are relatively large and it has odd pear-shaped seed pods. I'm attaching some pictures to see if anyone can identify this thing and/or has suggestions on how to get rid of it.
A fig Ficus of some sort. The tree it is climbing looks more like a juniper Juniperus to me, definitely not a cedar Cedrus.
Yes, it is. I tend to use the term cedar generically. But does that make a difference in figuring out what this vine is?
Probably not in this case - it's just an all-too-common naming error! To deal with the fig, cut through the main stem(s) at the base and again a metre or two above the base, and lever off the cut section. And watch out for regrowth from both directions (new stems from the base, and new adventitious roots from the top). Frequent re-cutting of these will eventually kill off the fig.