i'm a resident of ontario, canada and have noticed in the past few days an odd, foamy-like substance in our front garden. it appears in dinner plate sized, irregular patches that looks almost like grainy spray foam. it most often appears overnight, but on one occassion appeared within an afternoon. my husband and i are nothing but amateur gardeners and so really have no idea whether this is some sort of plant/mold/fungus organism or animal related secretions. it's very odd to say the least... any help would be much appreciated, can take photos if necessary...
no, it's not mushroom-like, rather it is more like foam. last night, we dug up the foamy area, and this morning, along the outskirts of the area we dug, there appeared more of the foamy substance.. i wonder if it is some sort of soil/mulch disease?
elinor - the photo in the other thread does not look mushroom-like to me. Have a second look - you can click on the small thumbnailed picture to enlarge it.
I think Daniel has a good guess (dog vomit slime mold) based on no picture. Please take a look at some other photos of this at this link below and see if you get a match. http://images.google.com/images?sou...:2005-38,GGLG:en&q=fuligo septica&sa=N&tab=wi
well, i checked out the images on the link suggested by MycoRob... what a remarkable resemblance to the weird stuff in my garden...it's seems as though it is slime mold. now that we've hopefully figured it out, what can experts like you suggest that i do about it? it's not the most attractive substance to have in my front flower garden... and is it dangerous... elinor
Read this article on slime molds by Tom Volk In short: nothing you can do about it, and it's harmless.
thanks for all of the information and resources regarding my "strange substance"... i guess i don't have to worry about my family's health when coming near the strange stuff... i just have to get over the bizarre, and shall i say, disgusting appearance of it! elinor