Strange plant?

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by bru, Jun 22, 2003.

  1. bru

    bru Member

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    We found this plant in the back yard. Could it be from Central America? Thank you in advance for any help IDing this plant!!

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  2. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    From what I can see it looks like a member of the Aracea family, but I can't find anything in my books that would be a real close variety match...
  3. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

    This plant is indeed a member of the Araceae family - Dracunculus vulgaris, commonly known as the dragon arum or (amusingly enough) is now being occasionally marketed as Viagra lily - I'm certain without Pfizer's approval (and it's not a lily, either).

    Dracunculus vulgaris is native to the central and east Mediterranean, and is hardy in zones 8-10 according to the "Reader's Digest A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants."

    Google search for images of Dracunculus vulgaris
  4. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Just wanted to add that Bru sent along this picture of it, as well.

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  5. gobo

    gobo Active Member

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    i'm probably going to display my own confusion here as this plant (or one quite like it) has been confounding me for a while, but i'd like to toss out this suggestion:

    could it be Sauromatum venosum, or voodoo lily?

    i mention this because it looks an awful lot like the plant that i once owned which was sold to me by that name. it could be that the garden centre manager who sold it to me, very cheaply, was wrong. he certainly exaggerated the olifactory effects when he said it might have an unpleasant aroma for a short time. (note that that this was sold as an indoor plant, so there was no escaping the full force of the blast). it turned out to produce the most foul smell i believe i have ever experienced. much worse than any rotten putrid flesh i've ever come across. my wife made me put it on the balcony, where it was at least tolerable, but the memory still lingers.
  6. bru

    bru Member

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    Thankyou all for your help. No matter the name I will go with Viagra Lily. It will have the neighbours talking. I forgot to mention that it did in fact have a very foul smell.
  7. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    I can see why it reminds you of Sauromatum venosum - the leaves have a similar arrangement. However, the leaves do different slightly in appearance.

    A fundamental difference between the two plants, however, is where the floral structure is borne. In the dragon arum, it is held aloft (about 30-45cm off of the ground), whereas in the voodoo lily, the spathe and spadix are just above the ground level (5cm or so).

    Pictures of Sauromatum venosum from the International Aroid Society web site.

    If anyone is interested in aroids, I'd highly recommend reading the book "Aroids - Plants of the Arum Family" by Deni Bown, which is often available from the Shop in the Garden (call ahead to make sure it is available).
  8. ariadne

    ariadne Member

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    auckland. new Zealand
    Hi there.
    I also have a plant like yours and I am not sure what it is!
    When it flowered for the first time last year it was awfully smelly!!!! I thought we had a dead animal under our deck!!
    The flower is not at ground level but about 30 cm on a stem.
    It was sold as a Voodoo plant by the local nursery.
    since I bought the plant, I've had a huge amount of little bulbletts.

    My plant grows in full sun here in Auckland.
    don't have a picture yet but will get one and post it for everybodies intrest.


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