I was working in a mulched flower bed and came across five very orange soft objects varying in length from about 3in to 1in in length. From a distance they looked just like carrots, but they were very soft and hollow inside. They were even slightly conical like a carrot. They were all in a single area about ten inches in diameter. Any ideas what they are?
Stink horns have a very short life span. Once they've 'done the do'...and allowed their spore to continue, they'll collaps to the ground. You might see several more before their cycle is done. They love compost and wood chips.
Thanks for the information. I know so little about fungi that all the earlier info posted on the site was quite interesting to me.
A great place to go see wonderful mushrooms/fungi/slime moulds and lichen online? Is to visit a free site called RedBubble.com If you go there...search for Fungalicious in the 'Groups' area. I'm a co-host on there and daily we upload new and amazing images from around the world. (you should see the latest stink horn images added on there!) I love UBC to see new stuff that is found here in the US
Moss, lichen, liverwarts..........they love moisture! I've yet to hear/read of anything to get them out of garden envirnoments as that's where they know to fluorish. Sorry...I'm no help here.