Hi, some time ago, I planted some chilli plants, from chilli seeds (naturally). After a while, they started giving seed like looking flowers, which I assume were going to grow into chillis.... But... several months have passed, and.. no chilli... just seed looking flowers. My folks insist that they're not chilli plants! I've attached 2 pictures. Could someone help me out? Why is it not growing chillis, and are these plants chilli plants? Thanks in advance!
I believe you have a Polygonum Sp. http://www.orchid-nord.com/activites/Boffles030906/pol_per.htm HTH Chris
gosh, this is really bizarre. I planted them from seeds that I got from a packet that said "chilli"! And, I specifically planted a bunch in a big rectangular pot, and used 1 seed each, into two little pots. And each seed came out with this weed (1 rectagular pot and 2 small pots). How is knotweed planted? I would think it is by seeds as well? I guess somehow, the seeds from the pack of "chilli seeds" were........ knotweed seeds!!!! Darn. Anyway, thanks everyone for identifying my pseudochillis.
Can you remember what the seeds looked like? Chilli seeds are round 3-4mm diameter pale yellow-white discs (exactly like the seeds in a sweet red pepper), whereas knotweed seeds are brown, triangular, shaped more like a minute beech nut, about 1-2mm long.
No idea how the seeds looked like. Looked passable as chilli seeds. Didn't think they were anything otherwise.. till now!!!..... Anyway. thanks. very bizarre, but, well, I shall now look at the prospective dishes that I can make with knotweed! :). The chilli prawns will just have to wait!