I think I should be taking these bulbs out of the garden soon. For years I've killed my dahlia bulbs by trying to store them, obviously incorrectly. Can someone tell me what is the best way to store these bulbs and when they should be "re-started" in the spring. Will the begonias be stored the same way? Thanks ~
Hi Fleur, Here's how to dig, store and replant your tubers. http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/CoopExt/4DMG/Flowers/Bulbs/dahltub.htm http://www.dahlias.net/dahwebpg/CultureIndex/Culture.htm http://www.dahlias.net/seabox/savem.htm You don't say what type of begonias you are growing, but I'm guessing they are also tuberous. If not, just let me know. http://members.aol.com/btbegonia/tuber.htm http://www.begonias.org/greenhouse/byType.asp?CAT=tuberous Newt
Hi Newt; Thanks for the websites... They look like exactly what I need to know. Haven't read all of them yet but have bookmarked them for future reference. Thanks again, Fleur