I am interested in planting Paulownia tomentosa in order to stool it each winter and create large leaved shoots for a tropical look. Do you know whether the stooling provokes shoots along the roots (rather than from the stool itself?)? Also, how susceptible are the leaves to wind and rain damage? I heard they tore in wind and drooped badly in rainy conditions. Is this true? Would a west-facing, seaside location in Horseshoe Bay be OK? I have only seen it stooled in sheltered conditions. Thanks.
Here the hail used to rip it apart. Re: shoots. I know it reshoots but when my big tree died and I cut it down it started to shoot miles from the base. It's such a lovel tree why would you want to cut it back each year? Will it effect the flowering? Found this thread on UBC http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=2039 also mentioned here http://www.rhs.org.uk/Advice/profiles0105/Coppicing.asp Liz