I'm a high school teacher in Nashville. I'm looking to get some carrion plants or other fetid plants to show the students. Do you have any suggestions where I may buy some online and what species should I get. The school does have a green house. Thanks
Hi Llama, Glad Jimmy suggested the plants. Here's some mail order places. You might want to call and check on the stinky ones to be sure they aren't pleasantly fragrant. Arisaema: http://www.plantdelights.com/Tony/arisaema.html http://www.jacquesamand.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=JA&Category_Code=Ariseama Fritillaria: http://www.fritillaria.org.uk/culti.htm http://www.fritillaria.org.uk/imgdata.htm Interesting links: http://www.npr.org/programs/talkingplants/profiles/arisaema.html http://www.hillkeep.ca/bulbs arisaema.htm You can check references of mail order sites here. http://davesgarden.com/gwd/ When you find ones that are smelly enough at any of those sites and can't find where to purchase, go to www.google.com and put the botanical name in the search box. Hope this helps, Newt