Hey folks, I've had my stephantotis for around 2 years, originally bought reduced from a supermarket. (I'm a sucker for reviving reduced plants - only orchids seem to be my nemesis) So the stephantotis has lived and thrived out of the original 6cm pot, grown to 2-3m long across my ceiling. However last summer I realised I was over watering it, the leaves were turning. So I dried it out somewhat and then watered across winter sparingly. Now its March, and there's no new shoots. All the stems have gone brown and hard, but the wilted leaves still hang. Is it dormant or dead? I'll still have a look at the root situation and repot in hope that life prevails :) Thanks in advance! Flutterby
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Here's some photos. It was never trained by me to go circular. I encouraged it to grow across my ceiling flat