I collected about 20 seeds from a fruit that was cut open for display at work and cleaned/dryed them. I planted them in a plastic container with about an inch and a half of soil (soil was mostly cactus mix with some added perlite). I moisted the soil and covered the container with syran wrap. It has been a few weeks now and I haven't seen any activity. The seeds aren't very deep at all, they were just lightly covered with soil, is there anything I did wrong and could improve upon next time?
I've done the samw and it worked fine. These seeds don't seem to have any problem germinating. I got my first sprouts in 24hrs! I say that you wait a little longer and then try again if it doesn't work. There are a LOT of seeds in a dragon fruit, so try planting more next time to increase your chances. I can't think of anything you did wrong. M.
Look what I found today hahaha. Alot of the seeds seem to have popped. The picture is just a small section of the flat I have them planted in. I put them up in the window but they're still covered with plastic wrap, just to keep the moisture in the soil without having to mist them. Its just too bad I'll never be able to let them grow large enough to fruit, and finding a properly sunny spot in the home for just a few of them could be a task haha.
LOL! I guess you just jumped the gun a little, eh? I thought it was strange that nothing was growing, you seemed to know what you were doing.
I haven't had much luck with anything spiney in the past haha, so I didn't think these would be any different. It looks like a lot of them have sprouted though so maybe I'll be giving a bunch of them away to customers in a couple of months.
i found seeds that have sprouted inside the friut itself. i would like to grow them. i have a room that has a wall of glass and is warm ( 'cos Im in melb, aust. and wouldn't dare try them outside) has anyone tried this b4? can someone suggest what to do with the seeds (they have green tiny seed leaves)
I still have all of mine in front of a window on the south face of my house and they're doing well. Although they seem to be growing very slowly... I'm not sure which country it is, but somewhere in south eastern asia they grow dragon fruit commercially. If you could find out where that is and replicate their weather conditions to the best of your ability I'm sure they'd flourish.
Oh thank you , they grow them commercially in Vietnam. We buy them here as a commercial grown import . I think they r trying to grow them in Qld , Aus. as well. I was wanting to know if I should plant the seeds with the fruit pulp or not. But im trying both now.
These seeds grow very very slowly dont they? Im giving them seaweed and they love it. they are growing fleshy as opposed to upwards. Going to re pot them soon , they'll graduate to one egg carton hole each, currently 2 in each.Tiny.
my babies r growing one of them has sprouted a spiny centre . how seriously cute. i have about 28 lil ones, slowly gtting slightly bigger . like its a real effort but they r becoming more chunky. cant believe they started inside the mother fruit, and i saved them..
Hi guys, how is everyone doing with the seedlings they started a few years back? Interesting to know as I have started a few myself - Melbourne is quite cold at times, I started roughly about 30 seeds in November 2012, almost 10 months now and the baby vine (spiny tip in the middle) has only popped up about 3-4mm at the most. I started a another 40 about a month ago and these new ones have almost caught up to them already. This just reminded me that the original 30 I planted grew just as quick, but has taken 8-9 months just from the point where they grow the spikes to the 3-4mm that I now have. I have seen pictures online from other members of other forums showing a very nice speed. They have 2 weeks to germinate and sprout up with the 2 leaf pedals, then 6 weeks for the spikes to sprout about an a 10-15mm, and 6 months for them to be almost 10 inches long. Am I doing something wrong or is it the weather here in Melbourne? Any tips? Oh and I have them indoors in the warmest areas Melbournely possible :)