Hi! I'm completely new to gardening (for whole backyard ownership thing too), and I'm looking for advice/recourses for growing healthy grapevine pergola. I have beautiful pergola and I want that Mediterranean feel that I had back in Southern Europe, so I'm wondering how should I prune and care for newly planted grapes (concord) to make it cover 20'x20' pergola that is 10' high. I know I'm supposed to cut fairly low for it to survive blistery Toronto winter, but on the flip side I want to train it up to get to pergola top and then branch there. I'm looking more for shade and atmosphere, than for grapes realy, but couple of clusters would not hurt either. Any suggestions and recommended readings are welcome. Thanks!
Marija, I've come across your post while researching exactly the same issue (except I live in Detroit not Toronto). Have you managed to grow grapes on pergola? Would you mind sharing your experience? If so please send me an email at marcin_photo@yahoo.com Thanks so much, marcin
Hi Guys. Grapes are pretty easy to get established on arbors. Just make sure you choose a cultivar hardy enough for your area. This website should help you out. http://www.maes.msu.edu/swmrec/publicationsfolder/SWMRECOn-lineReports/doc1294 Grape Arbor.PDF http://extension.missouri.edu/xplor/agguides/hort/g06090.htm Cheers Kim
Kim, Thanks so much for the links. It looks like it's possible to grow grapes on a pergola in the north. :))) What hardy table grape varieties would you guys recommend for a pergola in a backyard garden? marcin
Marcin; Here is a list of varieties to try. Good luck http://web1.msue.msu.edu/imp/modfr/26429701.html Cheers