Star Jasmine - all the leaves turned yellow over the winter. Is this winter damage, nutrient loss or? Its all intact but looks unhealthy. Its been in this spot for about 4-5 years.
Just seen this thread. I always feed my Star Jasmine in the Spring. If I'm late in doing this it let's me know by a few leaves turning yellow. So my advice is to feed it now. I use a slow release granular feed. And place a reminder in your phone callender every April to feed it. Also a good watering regime is essential. This plant will react to too little water or too much. Again the leaves will be the sign, as they will yellow either way. So if you are suffering dry conditions and the leaves yellow, then you know what to do and vice versa. (Tbh your soil does look very dry). A good compost mulch around the base will also help and release some much needed nutrients into the soil and keep the area moist. Hope that's of help.
Only a proper soil test would tell you for sure, but I suspect your plant is deficient in nitrogen. This is the case in my garden especially after all the rain we've had over the past 6 months. It wouldn't hurt to give it a drench right now with a high-nitrogen fertilizer and, although it may be too late for the yellow leaves to green up, the new ones would benefit from a boost. A slow release fertilizer and good organic mulch as @Acerholic recommends should have your Star Jasmine looking great again.
Thank you, Derek and Margot, for your helpful suggestions. Last year I had added dirt from the compost to the soil but its definitely in need of a boost this year. Its planted in a location that hasn't had much amendment to the soil and was previously growing large possible cedar trees as there were only stumps and baron land in that location when we moved in. I often let the weather tell me when its time to get in the garden! What a great suggestion to set a reminder to fertilize in April. I just added steer manure and compost soil to the area and I will go find a slow release fertilizer today. We've had a fair amount of rain but i will keep a closer check on the moisture of the soil. Thanks, again, for your help!