Is this a normal look for a star jasmine? It was very healthy until last September when we went on vacation for 3 weeks. It's looked like this since. It doesn't seem to be getting any worse. Thanks, Bob
Could it be hungry??? "Requires a well-drained moderately retentive soil in full sun or with part-day shade[200]. Requires a good humus-rich soil[11]. Succeeds in moderately alkaline or acid soils[202]. Requires the protection of a wall[11]. Plants are not very hardy outside the milder areas of Britain[166], but they can tolerate temperatures down to about -15°c when grown in a suitable position that makes sure the wood is fully ripened[200]. Young plants are particularly susceptible to cold winds[202]. A twining plant[182]. Plants are self-clinging on walls according to other reports[166, 200]. The plant is of slow to moderate growth[202]. Flowers are produced on short laterals that grow from old wood[200]. The flowers have a sweet refreshing perfume[245]." Liz
Yeah that's possible, although it looked very healthy then went that colour while we were away for 3 weeks and in the 7 months since hasn't changed.