I was given a standard Meyer Lemon that was not doing well. It was not producing fruit and is potted in about a 5 galllon container. It appears to be over watered and has a few yellow leaves and the green leavess are not a dark green. My questions are: If I repot it in a larger container, good growing medium, fertilize etc will that be all right or should you not pot a standard lemon? If I do repot it will it grow too large for a pot and/or can I control the growth? Thanks for any help Brigid
I would ease the root ball out of the container to see if it's necessary to repot. That would also allow you to assess the condition of the root system since you suspect the tree has been over-watered. Also, fresh medium may be in order if the tree is unproductive. In any case the tree should be fed regularly using a fertilizer with a 5-1-3 NPK ratio. Tree size can be controlled by root pruning accompanied by a proportionate reduction in top growth.