i recently bought a venus flytrap with a long green tendril/stalk type thing i looked around and i read some where that it is best to cut it off but im not sure plese help!
Flowers come on unbranched stems out of the center. Plants grown indoors, in too much shade will also put out uncharacteristic foliage, in the wild this species may be seen growing in full or nearly full southern sun. Specimens receiving optimum light will have compact rosettes of leaves with comparatively short blades (with traps on the ends).
cheers but should i cut it off or not the article in wikipedia said it is best i also read that seeds will come from the small flowers do they have to be polonated be fore though?
cut it off if your sure it is not an actual trap, you know as well as i the budding of the plant will drain all the energy of the traps, you wish to enjoy the traps? or the budding of the plant? cut it off........
cut it off if you want all the growth energy focused onto the traps... however, if you wish to get vft seeds, leave them on, but remember to pollinate them. I cut off my flower stalks and then place some of the stalks into sphagnum moss where I often get numerous small plantlets for my efforts.