Does anyone have a picture or detailed description of fencing used to control squirrels and/or rabbits? I've basically lost all my corn and beans to furry pests this year. I've tried liquid fence with limited results (too expensive). I'm thinking a chicken wire fence may work. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Chicken wire will help with the rabbits for sure, make it the heavy gage wire as rabbits can chew through the fine stuff. We have Jacks here in Alberta that do that and can jump over anything less then 1m high. Try human hair on the ground and any very hot ground peppers sprinkled on the soil. I have also heard that moth balls around the perimiter of the garden fence might help. Although I would think it may not be good for the garden or the enviroment Goodluck !
You could try making a complete chicken wire cage but make sure you put the wire into the ground curled outwards to deter digging. That way you would keep both types out. I have only seen squirrels in Europe but I remember them as being small and very fast and able to climb rapidly so I would have thought a cover would be needed. In other words make a chicken yard for your vegetable garden. Some areas here have possum (marsupial )problems and I have seen the cage idea work well
I was sprinkling cayenne pepper around the plants for most of the summer, but the squirrels would attack if I missed a couple days. Also, cayenne pepper can get expensive. I have just started to look into the possibility of electrifying a small fence and the prices are reasonable. However, the ad said the electrified fence won't hurt children or pets, which sounds contradictory. I don't want to have a fortified barrier around my garden, but that seems to be my only option. I'm not sure what to do...