When do you start your Squash, Pumpkins, Cucumbers, etc. inside? I probably won't do it until around the first week of May. Not sure if some start earlier or not. I'm also starting Melons and Cantaloupe this week. I have to get black plastic or something, and perhaps a cloche to put over top so I can make sure it's warm enough for production. It's a price to pay, but you can re-use the cloche year after year, and I want the satisfaction of growing the melons/cantaloupes!
My last frost date is somewhere between April 11 and April 20. Depends on where I'm reading it. West Coast seeds says not to start this stuff inside until May. They have Cucumbers as around the second week of May, Squash as the first week of May, and Pumpkins first week of May. So why is there a big difference between people saying 3 weeks before last frost date, and West Coast Seeds saying May? A Canadian garden website also said 3 weeks before your last frost date for Melons.
I wouldn't even bother starting them indoors. Just plant them in small mounds (with the richest soil you can make) when the soil really warms up (typically mid may) and you'll be fine. I had them growing out of my compost pile last year and actually got several very large squash out of that. I grew one that won the local fall fair for largest pumpkin by direct seeding into a large hill of 50/50 composted manure/soil.
The Pumpkins didn't even germinate outside last year. My Squash and Cucumbers did, but I planted them way too late.
I'll plant the seeds in the last week of April/May 1st in home made paper pots in pure compost in my greenhouse. Then plant them out towards the end of May. Fraser Valley folk-wisdom say that Mayday long weekend is when you plant or plant-out the tender stuff - seems to work for me. As treenut says - lots of organic material - compost, rotted manure. I make a hill then dig a 2 gallon plastic bucket into the top with a couple of small (1/8") holes in the bottom. Fill 'er up with water once a week or so & there's a system that keeps them moist all the time....stand back & watch them grow!
Another option is to plant the seeds outdoors under the cover of a cloche or similar protection. I've started cucumbers and melons in early April using this method.