Here are some photos of my Square Foot Garden. I have six beds. One is dedicated mostly to strawberries (we just got a couple of flowers on them last week). The others have a variety of starter plants, and some of our seeds are growing.
Thanks! I couldn't find how/if you can do the IMG thing from photobucket like I can on other vBulletin boards?
Your gardens look great! I started a couple of square foot gardens last years. Both did really well, much better than my regular garden as it was a very wet year. This year it is wet and cold and I have barely planted anything and it is middle of June already. :( 1. This is the first garden I made last year. 2. This is the second one. It was planted until late July. 3. This is the first garden this year.
I love my square foot garden! Really appeals to the obsessive-compulsive in me! After the first year, we added more boxes. This year we haven't got anywhere near them which is really upsetting because we put strawberries into one of them. Here are some pix of the first two years. Pix #1 is the second year when we rotated some of the crops. Lynette
Your garden beds look wonderful! We are in the process of figuring out how to protect our beds from rabbits and deer.
Thank you. Really miss the box gardens this year! :-( Funny thing... we live on a farm and have never had trouble with bunnies or deer. In fact, I've seen deer go through the garden an not touch anything! Moose too! Our problem is cats... and cat poop. So I use the bird mesh. Each box has a customized mesh that either pulls across the box or is framed as a tent (or box cover) to accommodate the growing plants. After a couple of years, I've accepted that I don't have to grow in the volume illustrated in the book on SFG. In fact, fewer plants per sq inch makes for more enjoyable summers than proving I can grow 64X64 green beans per box! :-) Lynette
I really like the garden bed concept because, as a new gardener, it's a great visual organizer. If I had my own home and backyard, though, I'd probably not do 4'x4'- I'd do rectangles of 1'x1' squares. I also like growing many plants- probably because I lean towards vegetarianism and like having lots of veggies. Next year I'll grow more of the things I know I'll eat, rather than experiment. This year I'm having so much fun seeing what fava beans and melons look like. This is a yer of discovery for me.