There used to be a very nice old bloodgood at a house in my city. The tree was removed to be transplanted. I have no idea if it was saved or not, but I went by the house the other day, and out of an exposed piece of root (from where the original tree was cut out) was sticking a one inch high little tree. It has a trunk (if you can call it that) and four branches each with a single leaf. There are also two leaves trying to grow out of the tip of the trunk. The piece of root that this is growing out of is about seven inches around and 12 inches long. It only has two very short smaller roots growing off of it and one of them has a couple hair thin roots growing from it. I took the root and planted it in a pot with a half dirt half left over potting soil mix. What are the chances this will keep growing and are there any precaustions I can take to help it? Thanks Chris
Hi Chris, Ahhhh, another plant rescuer! You may be able to save this little sprout/tree - but it might not be what you think it is. If the tree that was taken out was a grafted 'Bloodgood' this will be a sprout from the root stock. The root stock is usually a seedling that is grown specifically to graft the true variety onto. In other words, you may only be rescuing a sprout from the rootstock & not a sprout from the tree that was growing there originally. Wanda
wanda Thanks for the reply. I had not thought of that. The little tree that is growing has red leaves like my disectum does but they are rather not dissected. The original tree very well may have been grafted I just dont know. Does anyone know what I should do to help save this little sucker? thanks Chris
Where do you live ? If it's a cold area you have to protect your tree from cold during next winter (in north hemisphere). If you're in Australia, this is the perfect season for repotting and your "tree" should grow very well this spring if you protect it from full sun and wind.
I am in the southeastern USA. I have put the root with its "sprout" into a pot and it is inside my house. It has grown two more full "branches" with one leaf each and two others are starting to grow, but the two bottom most branches have withered and fallen off. Should the plant be OK inside? How often and much should I water a tree this small? Thanks again Chris
Maples are not indoor trees. Put it outside and protect it only if you have long period of freezing temperatures (which I doubt in south eastern USA). Don't move the pot too much because at this point the new roots are very fragile. The soil must be draining and you should water it when you can't feel anymore moisture by touching with your finger the top of the soil.