I don't spray any of mine but always when I am out looking at the spring foliage I squash as many aphids as I can while inspecting the new shoots. It won't wipe them out but might help to tip the balance between the predators (insects and birds) and the sap sucking *fools*! Found the first caterpillar of the year today. It was the type that bind some young emerging leaves together to form a nest. Squished.
Its a cold start once again and a little frost this morning, but not too bad, so here are a few of mine that I took moments ago. Being shichihenge Kinran Trident Mure hibari Fenna Red Dawn Carnival (campestre) Have a nice weekend everyone
These are both Olsen’s Frosted Strawberry, the pink one has been in my greenhouse, the second one has been in my polytunnel which is more shaded.
Good evening Del, good to see you back. It's funny that I was talking to another member earlier about different environments affecting how a maple looks. Your posting proves it perfectly. Both look wonderful btw. Hope it doesn't go down too cold for you tonight there in Bedford. But as you say,you have a greenhouse...
This year I’m learning how much slower the Shirasawanums are than the Palmatums when it comes to opening up. It does vary by plant though. Here are some updates from my garden: Amber Ghost showing off the amber color: Naguri Nishiki close up of the variegation: Akane is starting to glow in the dark: Loving the color on Bashful but it is sllllooowwww. My only Japonicum I seem to like but to be fair it’s also the only one I have, Ruby: Hot Blonde changing color quickly: Shigitatsu Sawa is an acid green color: Olsen’s Frosted Strawberry starting to get some frosting. This one is just a stunner in the spring but not much bigger than last year: Alpine Silver Thread coming alive: Kumoi Nishiki with some amazing variegation for Texas. The Seiboldianums seem to do great in our heat:
Loving your Acer pictum @ATX. Nice to see it's your profile photo. I think I would have chosen that also.
I source them from all over but yes Naguri Nishiki and Hot Blonde are from Mr Maple. Probably a few others as well.
Perhaps it's time to sart a new thread "Spring's here!" - at least for those of us who live in milder climates. <LOL> Saw the photos of snow in other places, not so "<LOL>"... This one is a seedling a few years old, I think it's Acer sinense. I have other ones of the same species, and it looks a lot like the others. Any other suggestion ?
It's amazing that 'Mikawa yatsubusa' (or according to Yano 'Mikawa yastufusa') only dates from 1972. It is surely one of the most popular JM cultivars today. What's more it's spawned a bunch of offspring, from 'Magic mikawa' to 'Snow kitten', all popular, in practically no time at all. Love the month-long journey, thanks! Alain I think it looks a lot like a healthy sinense too. If the leaves are quite leathery, that would be further confirmation. AFAICT quite a few A. sinense that come from Poland (like the cultivar 'Rogow', though it was named without the knowledge or approval of its originator) are hybrids: they have smaller leaves and are hardier than the species (as I've seen it).
Not only this confirms seeds from a cultivar are rarely true to the parent-tree, but the differences apparently show even more after two years. I repotted them at budbreak in a slightly bigger pot, cutting the few long roots, and just added a pinch of slow-release fert (osmocote). But if by chance (par hasard et/ou par bonheur) the one in the bottom-left survives, and retains this kind of reticulated colours, I'll call it "Rich" ! <LOL>
@AlainK I somehow missed this post..well that batch looks like a rather varied crew :)..well done! ..I hope bottom left survives..and retains that reticulation, c ‘est un bon! Thanks for the name check..maybe Westonbirt Roulade Rouge is more of a catchy name lol