Could someone ID this shrub please? It was growing last spring beginning of June. Thanks for any help. flowers leaves leaves underside habit
Hey Pip, that is Weigela of some type. Also you can attach images directly to your posts and it is preferable as people do not have to click off the site and we do not have to worry about the links expiring or changing. Here is the how to: Attach photos and files
Sorry for the links,but I'm on mobile and uploading the pics doesn't work on my phone. :-( Thank you for the ID!
No problem. Weigela are beautiful and I think underappreciated. Linnaea amabilis (kolkwitzia) has a similar character and beauty. Maybe too large of shrubs for some gardens.
Be very careful. On www many pics are misnamed. I love the very dainty Linnea amabilis. Many Linnea amabilis here are actually Weigela. Linnaea amabilis - Google Search Weigela tend to show a big white blob of a stigma. Flowers different shape etc etc.