Hello everyone, A few days ago I took a walk in the forest above my house (in Switzerland), and saw quite a few exciting plants, some rare, some less so, but I thought you might wanted to have a look at them, so I have attatched photos of : Anemone nemorosa, (white)Arum maculatum (not yet in flower), Paris quadrifolia, Viola rivinania, (small, purple)vinca minor (larger blue purple) and ranunculus ficaria (yellow) that I saw. I would be very interested to hear or see some photos of some other member's "spring forest" photos, ....from the U.S.A, canada, or anywhere in the world. so please, if any of you have any such pics, attatch them to this thread, it would be very interesting!. Pontus
This one is a little strange: Vancouver Groundcone; a parasitic herb according to my text. I have a few growing around my yard in the forest areas. Boschniakia hookeri.