Hello! I am a newer gardener with a dappled shade balcony garden. I was away on holidays for a few weeks, I have come home to see that my spring bulb container has started growing! I have heard this can be normal for grape hyacinths, but there are some others in there sprouting too! What do I do now? Leave it alone? Let it dry out? Mulch it? Any info is appreciated. Thanks!
I would just leave it. Drying out does not sound good. Just make sure the pot does not get exposed to a harsh freeze. Extended temps below zero can freeze the soil of potted plants. They should handle normal cold and frost, but not strong freezes. I don't know what else is in the pot, but tulips and daffodils should be OK.
yes, my grape hyacinths (in a pot) have sent up little green shoots (looks somewhat like chives) - everything else seems OK I agree with advice you've rec'd already - let it be and protect the green shoots
... just outside on this fine Vancouver day - and looked at my grape hyacinths (in a large patio pot) - and yes, a lot of green leafy growth - and thankfully some buds - tho not as many as I would have thought. how has your pot of grape hyacinths turned out?