Hi everyone, Its been a while since I have posted here, my aloe veras have been doing well up until just recently. I have noticed the leaves are drooping, feeling spongy and a few are drooping so low that they are forming a crease. I am concerned because I simply cannot think whats gone wrong. I only watered them occasionally during summer, and now coming into autumn I don't want to risk it, I also tugged at the center leaves and they do not come out so it can't be crown rot. I have 3 main plants 2 have the drooping leaves and the third is good simply top heavy, so I loosely tied it to a stake so it won't fall over and out of its pot. The two AV's with droopy leaves are what I call giant with some of the longest leaves being 35-40CM long and 5CM in width. The plant with the droopiest leaves still has 4 upright leave, the tallest is 42CM X 3CM. I have detailed this as best I can, I just want to know whats going wrong, are the plants simply too big? is it a health issue? I have kept them in a spot that gets indirect sunlight and some of the older leaves have a few new black spots on them. Thanks.