Splaying Fastigiate Yew

Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers)' started by Zig7, May 28, 2016.

  1. Zig7

    Zig7 Member

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    Mt. Tolmie, Victoria BC
    It rained last night and when I looked out my window the yew had splayed. It's obviously not been properly pruned over the years. Is there anything I can do to make it 'tight' again? I read one can bind the shrub but no images exist to show how. If I top it below the level of our window sill, will it grow back thicker, or since it's almost June would that traumatize it and cause its death? (I'm thinking a drastic cut like that should occur during dormancy). Another option is to just remove it, although I do love the dark green of the yew's foliage. Any suggestions appreciated.
    I'm in Victoria BC.

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  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    They always do splay out eventually - nothing to do with failure to prune, it's just that gravity always wins in the end - vertical branches are not a good design for resisting it. You could try tieing a rope round it to pull the stems in together again, but it won't look very good, and the rope risks damaging the bark on the stems. The other option is to just let it splay, and learn to enjoy it in its new character.
  3. Zig7

    Zig7 Member

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    Mt. Tolmie, Victoria BC
    Thank you for replying Michael. The base of this one is hidden by an overgrown rhodo, pieris and the arbutus unedo visible in the photo. Although I love the dark green of the yew, its viewed only from the windows (virtually invisible from the yard) so I fear its days may be numbered! I mean, the splayed look isn't really so valuable from the inside of the house. Maybe I'll try roping it up though first. Again, thanks.

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