Special Project

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by mgmetal610, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. mgmetal610

    mgmetal610 Member

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    Pine Bush, NY, USA
    Hello, my name is Mark Guzewski and I own my own small landscaping company. I am going to be designing a project in the Dennery area of St. Lucia which will employ many of the local people, enhance the natural beauty of the landscape,reflect their culture in the landscape design as well as become a sustainable landscape. The only issue is that I am having trouble fiinding local nurseries to get the plant material from. I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of local nurseries that I might find so I can plan to visit them when I head there on the 14th of November 2011. Any information will be greatly appreciated, thank you very much.

    Mark Guzewski
    A&M Landscapes

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