I just moved into a house less than a year ago that has a small grandiola magnolia tree in the front yard which gets plenty of light and water. Last year in June when we moved in it was beautiful with dark green leaves and georgious blooms. Over the course of the winter the leaves fell off as did the other trees in our yard, which I assumed was a normal process. Now that its spring here in texas and very rainy the leaves are still falling off and are now a pale green/yellow color and they have small brown spots with white in the middles and the edges are brown or black even. The wierd thing is that there are new tips on the branches of the tree. No blooms yet. However the whole street is covered with the same type of tree which have dark green leaves and some have blooms on them. So whats wrong with mine!! I have included pictures of one of the leaves and two tips from the tree. I can include a picture of the tree if necessary....please help Thanks!