I was trying to ID many plants from my stay in Alabama this spring but, I don't have a book of the plants of the region and I can't find any good websites to help me. I really appreciate any help offered. 1. Coralorhiza wisteriana? 2. Southern Twayblade? 3. Something related to a monkey flower? 4. Something in the family Nymphaeaceae? 5. I have no idea even what family this is in. 6. The same plant as the last photo 7. No idea even what family this is. Thanks, -Corey
tipularia, You are awesome. Anyone have any ideas about #5 and 6 the small pink/purple flower? Thanks, -Corey
tipularia, No, unfortunately it was neither of those. Was growing in a Pine plantation where a wildfire had gone through last year. What were you thinking of? Maybe it is related? Thanks for your help! -Corey
I have gone down a lot of dead ends trying to figure it out. Maybe someone will have an idea of what it is.