Hello, I have recently returned from South Africa, where I was working with the World Conservation Union. Not surprisingly, I saw some amazing plants there, especially while walking in the Cape Floral region in and around Cape Town, as well as further north in the Drakensberg mountains (bordering Lesotho). Unfortunately I am almost entirely incapable of plant identification, and wonder if anyone would be willing to help me! I have posted some photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pipakins/sets/72057594111412607/ If interested, please feel welcome to look at the photos. If you recognize any of them, you will notice that, by clicking on any one photo, there is an option to add a "description," which is where you could enter any information you have. Many thanks!
Looks like a mix of cultivated and wild plants, some here may know some of them and choose to help you out. The native Cape flora, of course, is some of the richest in the world, with incredible amounts of species packed into camparatively small areas.
Yes, I was told that, of 5 floral kingdoms around the world, that one is both the smallest AND the most diverse, which I thought was quite amazing. There are a few garden flowers in there, but most are either wild or within the Cape Town botanical garden (which is fantastic). Thank you Ron.