Where's the best place to buy/order seed potatoes from, for growing in Metro Vancouver area? Friend of mine recommended ordering from seedpotatoes.ca in Alberta. Is there any place in BC that would be better? Thanks, Meighan
For the last couple of years, I have bought them at Walmart. I think they were 2.99 for 5 lbs(?), which is pretty cheap and they have grown just fine. The selection is rather limited. I think they had Warba, Yukon Gold, Red Pontiac, Kennebec and maybe a couple of others. If you want specialty potatoes you would probably have to order them online.
Hi Meighan: I have ordered mine this year from Eagle Creek Seed Potatoes which is the url you mentioned. ( seedpotatoes.ca ) They are a family operated seed potato farm in Alberta and good people to deal with. They have a big variety and you can buy as few as 4 seed potatoes of any variety or as many as you want. The good thing is this allows you to grow quite a number of different types. I don't have a big garden but I have ordered 5 different types of seed potatoes. Also these people will answer your email questions. So I certainly would recommend them over say Wal Mart.
I went here: West Coast Seeds That said, my order is still in the "pending" state, even though I ordered it over a month ago.... But maybe seeds are still coming in. David
Meighan in about 2-3 weeks or so the garden centres around Vancouver will have seed potatoes Gardenworks Triple tree Dykoff Maple Leaf all should have them Abientot