I've been looking all over for Palm and Citrus fertilizers for my indoor plants to no avail. I'm in the Courtenay area, anyone know of a place that might carry the more unique fertilizers? I've tried Art-Knapps (they don't have any and their large palms for sale show signs of Magnesium deficiency), and the big box stores. I'm tempted to use Osmocote indoor outdoor slow release pellets and amend that with epson salts for the palm but I'd rather just get the proper kind. I know there are some "Jobe's fern and palm" fertilizer but it's the only kind of jobes spikes no one seems to carry.
If you have a specific analysis in mind you could try Welcome Harvest Farms on Texada island, they have organic products in blends or on their own which you could blend to your own spec's.
Thanks Jimmy, I was looking for something that is controlled release but if I can't find it I'll check out what they have. Cheers!