Greetings: I am in the process of establishing a small vineyard / private hobby type test station here in Mid western Ontario, and I need some help. I have read alot of articles on the benefits of Mycorr for vine establishment else where--but I have not found any suppliers for here in canada meant for larger volume of plants.---Would any one know of where I might try to locate some---or who has done similiar work on grape establishment. All the best
Hello! Look here: or here: Mr. Bernie Prins <>, Curator of the US Dept. of Agriculture Grapevine Germplasm Repository at Davis, California. He may have these grape varieties in his collection. Dr. David Ramming <>, USDA Research Scientist who developed Autumn Royal and Fantasy Seedless. Wishing you the best of luck,
Hi : This is a good source of info to get you started. If you get a chance try contacting the CCOVI program at Brock U. They should be able to direct you to a source in Ontario.
Hi Check at your local nursery. I've been able to find the Mycorhilzal as an ingredient in a premixed peat & perelite "starter" potting mix. I got it at Swan Lake nursery in Vernon, BC. I don't have it right at hand but if you are interested I'll send you the exact product name & company.