I've just built some raised beds intended primarily for vegetable gardening. Weather and work commitments dictate that I won't really start to garden in these beds before next May or so. Therefore, I'd like to plant cover crops in them now, to keep the weeds down and at least maintain the soil quality. But where to find such seeds in Vancouver??? I managed to find fall rye at Gardenworks on Granville. Has anyone seen other cover crops here in town? Such as vetch or red clover? Am I misguided? Thanks in advance, Jenny
The store on granville is an art knapps as far as I know, since last year when Gardenworks closed up shop. Most local garden centers should have a selection of fall rye or fall legume mix available as seeds for cover crop.
West Coast Seeds out of Ladner has quite a good selection - plus they mail order. http://www.westcoastseeds.com/product/Vegetable-Seeds/Cover-Crops/
A family member planted a ton of alfalfa as a cover crop and she started seeing sprouts within ~48hrs!! I don't know where she bought the bag of seeds but I could certainly ask if you're interested.