SOS. please help save pear trees from attack

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by alal150587, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. alal150587

    alal150587 Member

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    Geneva, swiss

    I live on the outskirts of Moscow and own a pear and apple trees garden among other things. This morning i saw that all the pear trees had some kind of organic lifeform developing on all the leaves that i could see. The three pictures are from the morning, 7 am, from the afternoon, 2 pm and evening, 8 pm (just 10 min ago). I have never seen anything similar to that. Makin a bling guess i would say its some kind of fungi parasite, particularly because of the speed of spreed of the desease, in 24 hours the leaves turned from being perfectly healthy into leave like on picture 3. Also it seems very weird that only pear trees got attack considering the fact that i have apples, appricot and many other plants in the same area.

    Please help me identify precisely what is wrong with my pear trees, what parasite is this and more importantly how to treat it. Anything will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.


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  2. alal150587

    alal150587 Member

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    Geneva, swiss
    Sorry, this was mornig picture

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  3. Barbara Lloyd

    Barbara Lloyd Well-Known Member

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    Anacortes, Washington, USA
    alal. Your problem is "Pear Trellis Rust". It wasn't supposed to have reached us here in the NW Washington - SW Canada region either but we've seen it for the last two years now. The link listed below is one of the most understandable & informative I've found on line.

    Do you have a fruit tree research division affiliated with a local University or somthing like it? If so they can help you. Here in the States a very early President gave each State a section of land to build a college to teach farming in all aspects so that we wouldn't forget how. These were named Land Grant Colleges. They carry this on to this day - Thank Heaven!
    If this doesn't work just Google "Pear Trellis Rust" You should get information.

    This probably isn't quite right but "Volkomen till vor Forum". barb
  4. alal150587

    alal150587 Member

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    Geneva, swiss
    Thank you very much barbara, you reply helped me greatly.

    kind regards

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