Does anyone have any idea what could have eaten our cherry leaves? They've been taken down to the stem. We don't have deer normally. And I would expect deer to wreak more havoc than just leaves. We have bunnies which have caused problems with unprotected blueberries. But these are too high for bunnies. It's hard to imagine insects eating the leaves so completely. Are there birds that eat leaves? This tree was quite healthy looking up til now. And two pears, planted at the same time nearby, are looking great with lots of untouched leaves.
Definitely deer. There is a good chance the tree will develop a new set of leaves, but can't be left like that without protection.
I am not sure. At my place deer had never touched my Pear tree, but to feel entirely secure you could protect them, too.
I tie bars of dial soap around my trees. It seems to work no rub from deer or eating. Not sure if this method is proven or just lucky Pat