Hello everyone, I'm not sure if it's kosher to post questions about houseplants here; if not, please re-direct me! I have an otherwise healthy jade plant, about 6 years old, that has given me no problems. The other day I noticed that there are a few bizarre-looking yellow stalks sprouting out of the soil, near the stems. Not to put too fine a point on it, but they look precisely like little yellow phalluses. I've attached a few pics. Is this a fungus? A strange new part of the plant's life cycle that I've never seen before? (This is my first and only jade plant.) If it is a fungus, how do I get rid of it? It's quite creepy looking! Many thanks in advance.
Looks fungoid to me. Whoa! Am sure that our Forum fungus mavens will weigh in on your unexpected visitor.---Have you repotted recently? Just wondering where this critter came from...
Well, here's a photo...doesn't give scientific name, but good close-up! As ever, lorax has given us a correct I.D. http://www.pbase.com/image/78150207
Thanks for your responses, togata and lorax! lorax, that photo is an exact match. I'll wait and see if any fungus experts stop by to tell me how to get rid of these things. I haven't repotted recently, which is why it's all so mysterious.... I have, however, done a lot of planting on my balcony, and the jade plant is inside right near the sliding door to the balcony (always open), so maybe some spores got in that way. So far they haven't shown up anywhere else. In the meantime, I've just pulled out the stalks -- they remove quite easily. (If creepily!)